From simple medical information to complex emergency evacuations, payment guarantees to cost containment, Remed Assistance, makes its services available to corporate companies and their beneficiaries as well as to individual clients. Its experienced medical team of physicians and coordinators operate round the clock for best available solutions.
- Air Ambulance
Organization of transportations for all kinds of medical conditions around the globe.
- International patients transfers
Variety of medical transportation services from ground coordination to bedside-tobedside service; from complicated evacuations on stretcher to simple services like supplying wheelchair or oxygen on board. Medical escort doctors or nurses are provided for commercial airlines flights.
- Medical second opinion
- Best doctors
- Worldwide network of hospitals
- Translation of medical reports,
- Appointments at medical facilities,
- Organization of hospital admission / Discharging planning
- Direct billing
- Meet and greet and translator services
- Hotel & Flight bookings
- 7/24 Multilingual alarm center