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Wherever you travel, we provide vital medical assistance and also look after the family around you

In 2019, alone, we directly handled medical assistance cases in 102 countries. With over 27 years of experience in building a network of providers and recruiting talented people to work for us, solving medical problems around the world is what we do. And very well. 

We assist in a broad spectrum of situations. Paying medical bills that may stretch your pocket, looking after cautious overnight hospitalisation or dealing with the severest cases of illnesses and accidents which may need an air ambulance. And, if you are travelling together with your family or a friend, we’ll look after them too. Local, regionally and internationally. 

Remed is exceptionally proud to be a long-standing and collaborative partner in an extraordinary alliance of medical assistance companies and providers across the globe. Experts in their localities, they provide valuable knowledge and support if we need to call on them. For Turkey, they call on us.